
Bastilles at 60

I mentioned that a few of us got together over the weekend.  We celebrated Nick S. Bastille's 60th, as well as our friend Rodney, who's back in SLC after decades in Boston.  Nick C. Bastille was present as well.  The function was held at the Stuart/Snow ranch up beyond Woodland.  A very nice get together.  Here's the stud part of the crew.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Occasionally, I get Bastille family emails, but I don't seem to be regular. Remember: I was the one who hit the tie-breaking home run against the Terrorists, which gave the Anarchists the win 8-7, in the very first Bastille Family Reunion, July, 1970. How can I get on the list once-and-for-all? BTW: Nice blog! rod