
The Big Trip--Taiwan Pt. 1


We can't believe we did it!  After years in the planning (COVID interferred), our son and daughter-in-law finally got us to Taiwan to visit her family and see the country.  And it was all fabulous!

I don't know where to start, we were in a constant state of amazement.  Taipei is a great city, quite big (I was told a population of 2 mil, but it seemed bigger).  Several "districts", each with their own tall buildings and great architecture.  Our first day, shedding off jet lag, we went to Taipei 101, at one time the tallest building in the world.  

After a lunch consisting of a zillion courses (every meal seemed to have a zillion courses!), we zipped (ear popping elevators!) up to the observation deck for a 360 degree view of the city.  It was hazy (pollution from mainland China?  Humidity (it was high)), so the pics aren't super sharp, but still give a good idea of the city.

First, the atrium of Taipei 101:

From the observation deck:

The new Taipei Dome for baseball (I would find out that baseball is VERY popular in Taiwan).

Here are some other interesting buildings found in the city.  Some are office buildings, others are apartment buildings:

Pretty wild!  And I appreciate more mundane structures like this freeway overpass and this port entrance that add great design to the construction rather than the more simple design we usually find the US.

The pics give a brief overview of all the neat building we saw.  Of course there was much of the traditional also along side the modern.  Stay tuned, more pics of our trip to come.

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