Joshua Payne has been an iconoclastic guitar player around the SLC area for many years. He has a unique style that he seems to apply to whatever genre of music he's playing. I recorded him with several groups many years ago, then he disappeared to NYC. When he returned, I never seemed to connect with any of his gigs. Finally, the other night at the Urban Lounge, I had a chance to check out his new orchestra... and I was not disappointed.
Josh still maintains his "free jazz", or at least experimental jazz, stance. The orchestra performs outrageous compositions, and included (I can't even believe I heard a jazz band play this at a local club) a Stockhausen composition, "Set Sail For the Sun". Marvelous stuff. Josh has assembled a fine cast of musicians to realize his musical vision. I hope to hear more from this group in the near future. In the meantime, you can check out some tunes, pics, and info at his web site.