Got an email from Harold Carr early Sunday morning about a gig that afternoon at Gracies... I thought at first it was jazz, since the gig was with Mark Cheney on drums and Greg Floor. But which Greg Floor? And since Harold swings both ways, so to speak, (he had a long time bass slot with the Cowdaddies), I had to think twice, particularly when I saw Mark Anger on the bill. So, some kinda folky, bluegrass stuff with a little Grateful Dead thrown in? Yep...

These guys have this fun music thing going, lots of familiar material... all the usual Sabre Club suspects will concur. Now we just have to get everyone down there next Sunday (2-5 pm) and hope things continue on a regular basis. Get your asses in gear... Good food, good drink, dubious service... you can't have it all... but mostly, fun music. Good Grass...

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